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Re: DEPLOY: Legal liability for creating bounces from forged messages

2004-08-25 01:09:17

Jim Lyon wrote:

A reasonable use of SenderID is to use it at SMTP time, and to refuse
to accept forged mail. If you refuse to accept it (by giving an
error at end of DATA), you won't generate a bounce. The MTA that was
sending the mail might or might not generate a bounce, but that's his
problem, not yours.

I am coming out of delurk for a moment. But could someone please explain why
we are having this discussion? I mean, rejecting with a 5.x SMTP error code,
based on whatever criteria, creates neither less, nor more liability, than
doing so, also for whatever reasons, has done for the last few decades.
There is, from the perspective of the sender at SMTP level, nothing
fundamentally different between, say, being rejected based on an entry in
the access database, and being rejected based on something found, or not
found, in the headers.

Though I will carefully avoid saying people are "wrong" (what, with me not
having enough "standing" for that, and all; lol), I presume I am allowed to
*agree*, right? :) So, I agree with Jim. To say anything else, IMHO, is
really tantamount to defending the position that sending any 5.x code
potentially sets you up for legal liability. Which brings me full-circle: it
may or may not, but not more so, or less, than doing so for the last few
decades has done.

- Mark

        System Administrator

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx