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RE: [On Rewriting SMTP and DNS] RE: MARID to close - Comments/Suggestions

2004-09-25 17:53:37

In fairness to Bob. There is a big difference between saying
"DNS cannot do that" and "The deployed Microsoft DNS server
does not do that".

That's just it: Microsoft's deployed DNS server (Windows 2000 SP4 at least)
CAN.  Folks here provided examples and demonstrations of how it can.

Even if not, I dared suggest that an alternate DNS service could provide
anything that Microsoft's deployed DNS server (hypothetically, if not
realisticly) could not provide.  I clearly remember Bob's reaction to that,
how I would Dare Suggest That Windows Components Could Be Replaced.  How

I suppose other folks with the same mentality would faint at the sight of
seeing LitePC picking apart their prized OS[1], that Internet Explorer could
somehow be completely removed from Windows.  Even though that was just as
clearly demonstrated in a US court of law.  But no one in Redmond talks much
about that little embarrassment.[2]

[1] Using APIs published by Microsoft, no less!

[2] Even local consultants here balk at the concept.  And some of these folks
are otherwise very smart people.

PGP key (0x0AFA039E): 
Sometimes it's hard to tell where the game ends and where reality bites,
er, begins. <>