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Re: Status of MARID WG?

2004-11-03 22:21:51

 Dean Anderson <dean(_at_)av8(_dot_)com> writes:

Unless I missed something, the MARID working group is shutdown, so it can
no longer consider drafts. It was my understanding that this list was kept
active for discussion only.  Did the MARID WG start up again? 

If the MARID WG started up again, it would be a shock to me.

Note that the pointers to the I-Ds that Harry kindly posted are
draft-lyon-* rather than the draft-marid-* which would indicate MARID
involvement.  This is simply following through on the co-chair's
suggestion when this WG was shut down that the authors submit
individual I-Ds.

Speaking of which, does anyone know anything about the Directorate
that was supposed to be set up?  Last time I asked, it was suggested
that nothing much would be done until IETF-61, which seems reasonable.


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