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Re: PGP 5 (i, source) question...

1997-12-12 07:42:45

There has been some discussion about 5.0i on 

Tony Mione, RUCS/NS, Rutgers University, Hill 055, Piscataway,NJ - 732-445-0650
mione(_at_)nbcs-ns(_dot_)rutgers(_dot_)edu                 W3:
PGP Fingerprint : E2 25 2C CD 28 73 3C 5B  0B 91 8A 4E 22 BA FA 9F
Editorial Advisor for Digital Systems Report   ***** Important: John 17:3 *****

On Fri, 12 Dec 1997, Rodney Thayer wrote:

Could someone suggest an appropriate forum in which to ask questions about
the PGP 5 code that was scanned in 'offshore'?

I assume it's not appropriate to ask someone from N.A. about this...

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