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Re: error in draft 07, section 5.1 ?

1998-09-29 14:37:39
Werner Koch, <wk(_at_)isil(_dot_)d(_dot_)shuttle(_dot_)de>, writes:
From section 5.1:

algorithm used to encrypt the following Symmetrically Encrypted Data
Packet.  Then a two-octet checksum is appended which is equal to the
sum of the preceding octets, including the algorithm identifier and
session key, modulo 65536.   algorithm used to encrypt the following

I don't see that the algorithm identifier is included in the checksum.
Both, gnupg and opgpg 0.99x, don't include the algorithm in the
checksum and interoperation with pgp 5.x is okay.

Yes, you appear to be correct.  The algorithm identifier is not included
in the checksum.

Hal Finney

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