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Re: Multicast Keyserver Synchronization

1999-06-25 07:46:54
On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 10:42:21AM -0400, Paul Koning 
<pkoning(_at_)xedia(_dot_)com> wrote:
Hm, this sounds like IS-IS or OSPF or similar routing update
distribution protocols.  Given that this is a long-studied area in
layer 3, it's probably a good idea to examine that literature.  There
are plenty of pitfalls to be avoided, and at this point it is known
how to do so.


would you happen to have pointers to good literature around?

(By the way, a timestamp may be better than a sequence number.)

I don't see the advantages of a timestamp.
The advantage of a sequence number is that you immediately know about
holes, updates which you have missed. As long as entries are superseding
each other, a timestamp is just fine, but if it is only additive (as with
PGP), I feel that seqnos are more appropriate.


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