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Re: Encrypted Data Packet Contents

1999-09-21 22:49:04
"Mr. Morden" <ted19(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com> writes:

5.7. Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet (Tag 9)

   The Symmetrically Encrypted Data packet contains data encrypted with
   a symmetric-key algorithm. When it has been decrypted, it will
   typically contain other packets (often literal data packets or
   compressed data packets).

What gives with *typically*? It should *always* contain other packets 
(Signed, Compressed, Literal, whathaveyou...)

From the RFC (10.2):
|   [...]
|   In addition, decrypting a Symmetrically Encrypted Data packet and
|   decompressing a Compressed Data packet must yield a valid OpenPGP
|   Message.

And typically you will either have a signed message, a compressed
packet or a literal packet; however you may cosse to put another
encrypted packet in it.

Werner Koch at            keyid 621CC013

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