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Re: question about section simple s2k: how does preloading work?

2000-05-12 08:35:51
"hal" == hal  <hal(_at_)finney(_dot_)org> writes:

 hal> The "preloading" means to hash the preloaded data.  In other
 hal> words, the preloaded data is a prefix to the rest of the data to
 hal> be hashed.  It is not inserted directly into the state
 hal> variables.

 hal> Without preloading, you would do hash(data).  Preloading one
 hal> byte of zero you would do hash(0,data).  Preloading two bytes of
 hal> data you would do hash(0,0,data), and so on, where the commas
 hal> represent concatenation.

The use of terms like "preloading" and "multiple instances of the hash
context" makes it sound like a description of an implementation, which
of course isn't what you want in a protocol spec.  I wonder if it
would help to phrase it in the other way you just used: hash (data)
concatenated with hash (0 data) concatenated with ...

The key extension description in the IKE spec is done in this way, if
memory serves.


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