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Re: 5.1 Clarification re padding

2000-07-09 22:08:08
I believe I have it worked out now...after reading the "File Formats used 
by 2.x" document, 2313 and 2437, does the m value look like this?:

m = 0x00 0x02 (random non zero data - 8 bytes minimum) 0x00 0x0A (session 
key) (checksum)

The 0x0A represents the Twofish algorithm.

that's reflects my current understanding.  

Yes, I believe this is correct.

to all:

i've been curious about the length of the random padding octets.  i
presume none of them are allowed to 0x00 (that's what non-zero data
means, may be?) and thus the 0x00 value preceding the
algorithm-specifying octect can serve as a "marker" to indicate where
the random padding ends.  is that correct?


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