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Re: Dash-escaping and the Usenet sig convention

2000-12-21 05:49:55
On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, Ian Bell wrote:

*  separator conventions use lines starting with multiple dashes. To 
*  improve interoperability in these cases, clients MAY omit the dash-
*  escaping for lines that cannot be armor headers and that are not 
*  already dash-escaped. Lines beginning with dash-space (0x2D, 0x20),

I am not sure whether yoy are talking about an OpenPGP implementaion
or an MUA.  We can't do that in the OpenPGP protocol.

The only thing we could do is to allow dash escaping in certain
situations like we do it for '^From '.  But it may break other
applications and I don't know why it should make sense at all.
