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Re: Text canonicalization

2001-12-06 10:33:52

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001 09:59:15 -0800, hal  said:

A few days ago an issue arose on a cryptography mailing list about
a failing PGP signature on a software package being distributed.

Yet another wu-ftpd bug ;-)

The first is that it does not make clear what constitutes line endings.

We are talking about text documents and imho it is cleary defined what
makes up a line ending:  ANSI defined fopen(3) to take an optional
mode flag "b" to prevent translation of local line endings.

Anyway, this encoding transformation should not go into OpenPGP but to
the next upper layer (MIME), so I consider textmode a compatibilty
trick for PGP 2 - rfc3156 tries to sort out all these issues and it
does not make sense to change OpenPGP just for this.  Well, a note
that textmode should be avoided is appropriate.

This issue has caused problems for people from time to time since the RFC
has issued.  I recommend that we solve the problem by changing the spec
to conform to how PGP has always worked.  We should eliminate the words
"and trailing blanks removed" from the section above.

I am not in favor of this.  Bugs should not be fixed by changing a
standard.  RFC2440 has been released more than 3 years ago.


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