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Re: secure sign & encrypt

2002-05-23 11:47:34

This doesn't help.  Any recipient could re-encrypt the message and
change the list of encrypted recipients.


disastry(_at_)saiknes(_dot_)lv writes:

disastry wrote:
fake pubkey encryption packets can be added
by man in the middle so that recipient thinks that message was encrypted
to him and to other preson.

I wrote about it here:

I think this can be solved by modifying
Sym. Encrypted Integrity Protected Data Packet (Tag 18).

Now it is:

version byte == 1
encrypted data

encrypted data consists of:
  encrypted iv
  encrypted plaintext
  encrypted Modification Detection Code Packet (Tag 19)

I suggest:

version byte == 2
encrypted data

encrypted data consists of:
  encrypted iv
  encrypted Recipients packet (Tag 20)
    (put it before plaintext - if it would be after it would
     be difficult to find where plaintext ends, when decrypting)
  encrypted plaintext
  encrypted Modification Detection Code Packet (Tag 19)

Recipients packet
  version byte == 1
  number of recipients, 2 bytes (should be enough..)
  number_of_recipients*20 byte list of fingerprints recipient keys
    (16 byte RSA v3 key fingerprints are appended with 4 zeros
     (or maybe with 4 lowest keyid bytes? I think, it's even better))

this ensures that recipient list is intact not only for signed & encrypted 
but also for encrypted only messages.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord(_at_)MIT(_dot_)EDU                        PGP key available

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