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Re: Power function PGP math library?

2005-06-17 00:14:18

Kimmo writes:
I need to verify the DSA signature in my application, and the verifier has 
to compute these parameters, which are defined in the DSS (Digital Signature 

w = (s')^-1 mod q
u1 = ((SHA(M')w) mod q
u2 = ((r')w) mod q
v = (((g)^u1 * (y^u2) mod p) mod q

I'm using PGP math library in calculation. The problem is how to calculate 
parameter v.

The parameters g (power to u1) and y (power to u2) should be calculated 
first and then these factors should be calculated together and so on. But 
there isn't a function in the math library to calculate powers. The 
calculation could be done with mp_mult, but it is very slow way to do it.

If you are using the math library I think, the one that came with the
old, old version 2.x of PGP, you can look at a web page I wrote back in
1993 that describes the math library,  There you will see that
there is in fact a function to calculate powers, mp_modexp.  This does
a modular exponentiation, so you would use p as the modulus to calculate
g^u1 and y^u2, then multiply them together using mp_modmult.  Note that
mp_modmult does not take a modulus parameter, rather you have to call
stage_modulus with p before calling mp_modmult.  Then you can use mp_mod
to take v mod q.

I have to say that I think there are better choices for math libraries
these days than that old code.  gmp, crypto++ and openssl are three
that I have used and are good quality.  I've also heard good things
about libtommath.  You can find more about any of these via google.

Hal Finney

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