AGENDA -- -- Introduction and Agenda Bashing No changes -- 2440 bis status - In "pentultimate last call" for some time (over a year) - now only doing tweaks to the document. - If you want changes in wording - need to be compatable and suggest text. - Only open issue is David Shaw's BNF request for literal+literal. No reason not to include David Shaw's request, but not in draft 14. Should go into 15 - Run last call and finish this document - Use difference documents for new work - downside is that not everything will be in a small number of documents. Good news is that will have a fixed definitive document -- 2440 next steps - Go to Last call. finish by end of August - Try for a bake off? try for Draft Standard. (early in '06) - update milestones - proposal given. - Draft standard would be tried for 6 months after IESG approval. - New Life - New documents not hit 2440bis. - -- Proposed Milestones - No Objections --- Message Header - draft-josefsson-openpgp-mailnews-header-01.txt - standardize some X- headers for PGP. - Lookup URL and key id of a sender - simplified original by dropping some unnecessary data. - key id - longer fingerprint - url to key - What is the problem to be solved? - Not completely clear - invent header that could be used programatically to lookup key and keyid of sender - Manual cut & paste? - request for additinoal current usage of old headers for inclusion in the doument. - Open Issuses: - Add token to state strong preference for reciving PGP and potentially the PGP format to be sent. - IETF process restricted to MIME? - place same info into a packet? - Keyserver field? - unsure of what this would be really for. Next expansion of the idea. - BNF problems on the draft need corrections. Open MIKE JON - Supports idea of draft - supports "supports token" - PGP has a similar item already used. used with different values for different reading devices. - Wants support to plain inline text - kill mime and only use plain text as a personal preference. - response - Need additional proposals to solve some of the problems? JON - display problems not format issues - Don't ban text only w/o mime wrappers. 8-bit character set problems with servers - Vigourous dispute on issues with character sets. Thomas ? - two formats - with and w/o tag - please elimiate the tag version. ??? - Please add finger print header - used for validation. - possible support already? JON - KeyID is a trucated fingerprint - allow for longer id to get fuller fingerprint w/o much additional parsing. - -00 to -01 allowed for longer KeyID from a fixed length. --- Open Discussion - Meeting closed.