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Re: [openpgp] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-wouters-dane-openpgp-00.txt (fwd)

2013-07-15 18:20:37
A few quick comments follow.

Currently deployed key servers have no method of validating any
   uploaded OpenPGP public key.  The key servers simply store and
   publish.  Anyone can add public keys with any name or email address
   and anyone can add signatures to any other public key using forged
   malicious identities.  For example, bogus keys of prominent
   dissidents have been uploaded to these well-known key servers in
   attempts to capture encrypted email.  Furthermore, once uploaded,
   public keys cannot be deleted.  People who did not pre-sign a key
   revocation and who have lost access to their private key can never
   remove their public key from these key servers.

This ignores prior work in this area. is known to solve exactly the problems you described for many years now.

2. Given that the size of the record is very important when stored in DNS records, it's odd to see that ECC OpenPGP keys are not even mentioned. In fact, given that we are talking about a new format here, one can see many benefits of standardizing *only* on ECC keys or at least preferring/encouraging ECC keys.

I think you raise a valid concern that keys placed in DNS records should be "cleaned". A 4096 bit RSA key with 10 subkeys and 3d party signatures seems excessive.

I planned to introduce the compact key format soon to OpenPGP. This might be a mandatory tweak to further minimize the size for ECC keys when stored in DNS records.

3. I suspect that "4.6. Subject: line encryption" is prone to bugs for complex messages with multiple MIME parts. It probably needs more work to be acceptable.

On 07/15/2013 03:32 PM, Paul Wouters wrote:

I've submitted a draft to associate an PGP public key with an email
address using DANE.


A new version of I-D, draft-wouters-dane-openpgp-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Paul Wouters and posted to the
IETF repository.

Filename:     draft-wouters-dane-openpgp
Revision:     00
Title:         Using DANE to Associate OpenPGP public keys with email
Creation date:     2013-07-15
Group:         Individual Submission
Number of pages: 11

    OpenPGP is a message format for email (and file) encryption, that
    lacks a standarized secure lookup mechanism to obtain OpenPGP public
    keys.  This document specifies a standarized method for securely
    publishing and locating OpenPGP public keys in DNS using a new
    OPENPGPKEY DNS Resource Record.

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