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Re: [openpgp] OpenPGP SEIP downgrade attack

2015-10-05 12:40:06
From: openpgp [mailto:openpgp-bounces(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of Jonas 
I've recently been analysing the OpenPGP standard and have found that it is 
vulnerable to a chosen-ciphertext attack to downgrade an SEIP packet to a 
plain SE packet.

I was going to submit a paper about the attack, but considering how quickly 
the challenge was cracked I realised the urgency to report this.

Assuming SE and SEIP now have equivalent security, does anyone suspect a 
real-world impact? I.e. is there software that trusts encrypted unsigned data 
more than it trusts unencrypted unsigned data?

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