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[openpgp] Should fingerprints be "key-canonical"?

2016-04-06 14:20:22
Getting back to DKG’s question of whether the Unix creation-timestamp should be 
included in the octet-stream passed to a (future) OpenPGP fingerprint scheme…  
I want to generalize the question into a choice between three options:

1. The fingerprint covers *only* the public-key material itself, in a 
verifiably and enforceably canonical form.

2. The fingerprint covers the public-key material and some other fixed-format 
stuff like version info and Unix timestamp, as in rfc4880.

3. The fingerprint covers the public-key material and some extensible 
variable-length information, e.g., parameters the key-holder specifies in its 
self-signed cert at key creation time.

As you can guess I think choice 2 really makes no sense, as it’s kind of an 
uncomfortable midpoint between two design approaches that has important 
downsides of both but doesn’t really achieve the benefits of either.  So I’ll 
just focus now on #1 versus #3.

The advantages I see to approach #1 (fingerprint covers public-key ONLY) are: 
(a) simplicity in specification and implementation; and (b) there may be 
security benefits in any public-key having one and only one fingerprint - IF 
canonical encoding is 100% enforced in current OpenPGP implementations, which 
may or may not be the case.

The advantages I see to approach #3 (fingerprint covers public-key and some 
extensible information) are that the key’s creator can bind to the key, at 
creation time, additional information that other parties might subsequently use 
in checking the validity or revocation status of a key, when importing or 
checking its fingerprint.  The current fixed-format bundling of Unix 
creation-time into the fingerprinted octet-string is just a ridiculously 
restrictive special-case of this otherwise potentially not-bad idea.  The 
question, as DKG brought up in the session, is what the range of benefits are 
that we might get from this flexibility, and whether they justify the added 
complexity, and any security risks that may arise from non-canonical 

The general (potential) risk here - although I’m not sure how “real” it is - is 
that either the key-holder, or someone who manages to steal the key, can tweak 
the creation-timestamp and/or any other non-canonical bits that the fingerprint 
depends on, to create a new “public key” with a different fingerprint but the 
same key material as the old one.  One obvious “bad thing” that might happen is 
if a key-thief could use this to trick other people into not realizing a 
revoked key was revoked, because the key-thief is reusing the key under a 
different fingerprint.  But so far I haven’t been able to put together 
realistic-sounding attack scenarios.  I think this is in part because for 
anyone to trust that key in the first place, they presumably need to have 
verified it somehow, typically by doing something with the fingerprint, and 
hence an attacker who reuses a stolen/broken key with a new fingerprint doesn’t 
get any benefit because the new fingerprint isn’t verified/trusted by anyone.  
The question is where these assumptions might fail, e.g., some application 
attaches trust to keys directly without verifying their fingerprints, and 
becomes vulnerable to this class of attack.

On the upside of allowing the fingerprint to depend on non-canonical (e.g., 
creator-provided) information, I understand Phil is going to post a document 
listing some of the uses for this type of functionality, and I look forward to 
seeing that.  But just to list a few potential uses I can think of:

- This information could include a creation-timestamp as a Unix time, as it is 

- This information could include a more verifiable analog to a 
creation-timestamp, e.g., a signed timestamp record from a digital timestamp or 
notary service that actually vouches for the timestamp and publishes the 
timestamp in a public log.  OpenPGP implementations that receive a public key 
and validate it against this fingerprint could (but wouldn’t necessarily always 
have to) verify the signed timestamp record, and could even (again optionally) 
check its presence in the public log.  This might be the way to get closer to 
the actual security benefit that presumably motivated the inclusion of the 
creation timestamp in the original OpenPGP spec: e.g., it would provide some 
actual publicly-verifiable evidence of when the key was first created, and make 
it difficult for an attacker to “re-create” a broken key later without that 
attack being detectable.

- The information covered by the fingerprint could include “hardness 
parameters” that feed into the fingerprint scheme itself, enabling the key 
creator to obtain a configurable level of protection for the key from 
fingerprint-mining attacks where an attacker tries to search for other keys 
with fingerprints that match in the first several digits.  This was discussed 
at the last IETF meeting, and subsequently on this mailing list thread, so I 
won’t repeat it at length here: 

- The information covered by the fingerprint could include hash-pointers to 
blockchain transactions in order to incorporate blockchain-randomness into the 
fingerprint (see 
<>), thereby making it extremely 
expensive, if not effectively impossible, for  an attacker to produce another 
key with the same or even a similar-looking fingerprint without the attack 
likely being detected.  Not every OpenPGP implementation would necessarily be 
expected to know how to actually verify this blockchain-randomness; 
implementations that don’t support it would just see it as an opaque blob of 
information that the fingerprint covers but that they otherwise don’t interpret.

- The information covered by the fingerprint could specify additional “canary” 
or revocation conditions by which parties using the key might more 
quickly/securely detect if and when the key might have been compromised.  For 
example, this information could contain a “financially incentivized 
auto-revocation”: e.g., a hash-pointer to an unspent Bitcoin transaction output 
which, if and when it is ever spent, is to be interpreted by everyone as an 
implicit revocation of the associated PGP key.  The key-holder funds a “key 
compromise bounty” by depositing some amount of Bitcoin in an account whose 
private key can be derived from the PGP private key.  Then if a hacker ever 
steals the private PG key, they get access to the bounty - but in 
transferring/spending it they effectively cause the PGP key to be publicly 
revoked, making that immediately detectable to any OpenPGP implementations that 
happen to support this auto-revocation mechanism.  Of course the hacker might 
choose to leave the bounty unspent in order to avoid compromise detection, but 
the higher the bounty, the fewer attackers will want to make that choice.

I’m not going to make the case that any of these potential benefits of 
non-canonical fingerprints are absolutely essential, but rather just explore 
the possibly interesting space of potential benefits from being able to use 
fingerprints to verify more than just a raw public key alone.  Further thoughts 


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