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Re: [openpgp] Message padding in OpenPGP

2019-09-24 16:00:35

On Sep 24, 2019, at 1:09 PM, Justus Winter 
<justuswinter(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

Hello :)

To reduce the amount of information leaked via the message length (see
e.g. [0]), encrypted OpenPGP messages should include decoy traffic.


What actual problem are you trying to solve.

We've discussed compressed data at length, and there's a general consensus to 
my mind that implementations should move away from compression being the 
default. There's less of a consensus that it should go the way of all things, 
into that good night. But we agree that compression is at the very least a can 
of worms.

Am I correct in understanding that you're proposing adding in decoy traffic to 
pad out compressed data to its uncompressed length? 

If I'm missing something, what problem are you trying to solve with this?


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