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IEST Interest in our draft

2000-09-07 15:46:18
Here is message posted by Patrik Faltsrom to the WREC list.  It looks like
there interest brewing around our work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrik Fältström [mailto:paf(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com]
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 12:20 PM
To: wrec(_at_)cs(_dot_)utk(_dot_)edu
Subject: Middlebox Features

The IESG is worried about "middlebox features" which comes up all 
over the place. Just all over. The way people think about early TCP 
termination, "front-ending SSL connections so the SSL is not all the 
way to the server", ...etc might not all the time work well in todays 
design of the Internet.

Is this trend driven by customers to companies asking for features 
without knowing what they are asking for? Because, companies only 
make products which customers buy, right? ;-)

We ask if not the WREC wg is the closest group we have on looking 
into these issues, and hope that the WREC wg will try to design 
functionality which is needed without jumping through too many loops 
and bending themselves backwards, violating the ground principles of 
end-to-end-communication which the IESG and IAB belive is needed for 
fundamental architectual things to work (like IPSEC etc).

One document we have found is draft-tomlinson-epsfw-00.txt, which we 
think is interesting because it is discussing some of these issues 
(yes, I know it was on the agenda at the last IETF... :-)

Can you please in the work you do on rechartering think about these 
"middleware feature" thing, and whether you should not include some 
wording about that in your charter? We also would like you to have a 
look at draft-tomlinson-epsfw-00.txt and deside if you should have 
that document as part of what you work items (so it gets proper 
review at least)?

    Regards, Patrik
    Area Director, Applications Area

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