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Re: WG Review: Open Pluggable Edge Services (opes)

2001-06-20 12:26:03

My point about IETF Application Area scope is being misinterpreted in a
couple of different ways.

1.  I know about the work going on in the other content-related BOFs/WGs.
There is also an Akamai/Oracle proposal in W3C to do a different cache
invalidation protocol.   I'm sure Mark can explain this, but I'm not yet
convinced.  (discussion for a different list and, perhaps, for the IESG and
W3C coordinators)

2.  I also know the question of IETF scope wrt web application protocols and
the future of OPES are not the same question.  But they are not orthogonal
questions either.

My point was simply that if the IETF does not take on the significant
protocol issues facing the distribution of web services (in this case to the
edge servers), the work will be done elsewhere.  This should be a conscious
choice and the OPES charter decision is clearly related to that larger
decision.  I liked the Hume quote in Adam's message trailer: "It is seldom
that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."  With much less import, the
same can be said for technical authority.  I'm not trying to encourage any
turf battles; I'm just trying to point out that the IETF expertise in
scalable networking solutions is valued but could be eroded in practice by
what I believe would be an inappropriately rigid application of principles.

My day job beckons.

Lee M. Rafalow
Voice: 1-919-254-4455, Fax: 1-919-254-6243
IBM Internet Technology Management
IBM Corporation
P.O. Box 12195, BRQA/502
RTP, NC 27709 USA
Alternate email: rafalow(_at_)us(_dot_)ibm(_dot_)com
Personal email: lrafalow(_at_)mindspring(_dot_)com