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Re: one more suggestion

2001-08-27 16:17:45


One more thing in the IRML spec -- even though you have "request-line" and
"response-line" in the list of the required system variables, and from these
we can derive a lot of the info like URL, method name, protocol version #,
status code, etc., I still feel like we should call these items out
specifically and put them into the list of required variables, so that we
can use more accurate rules like "if url matches "" or "if status
code matches 200" etc., instead of "if request-line matches"  or
"if response-line matches 200". The former simply produce more accurate and
predictable matching than the later.
What do you think?

Good suggestion. I guess I originally wanted to keep the properties like
"request-line" protocol-independent, but this doesn't really allow for
very fine-grained rule conditions as you pointed out. So it probably
makes more sense to have a set of very protocol-specific properties for
each supported protocol (in addition to any protocol-independent
properties). I will try to reorganize the draft a little bit to reflect
this better in the next version.



-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Beck [mailto:abeck(_at_)bell-labs(_dot_)com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 6:42 AM
To: ietf-openproxy(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
Subject: draft-beck-opes-irml-01.txt

We submitted an update to the Intermediary Rule Markup Language (IRML)
draft last week. Until published, the new draft is available at:

Change Log

- updated references to include the OPES models and policy
- removed terminology section and referenced the taxonomy in the OPES
  models draft instead
- revised use of terminology to be conform with OPES models draft
- removed access provider from list of rule authors (as
suggested by new
  OPES charter)
- late binding in <action> field through OPES URI (as suggested by Lee
  Rafalow and others)
- added "request-host" variable to accomodate HTTP/1.0
messages that do
  not have the "Host" header (as suggested by Francis Zane)
- added "type" attribute to property element to accomodate three
  different types of properties: message, system, and service
- added "client-ip" system variable to support services that depend on
  the client IP, e.g. URL rewriting service
- added support for service environment variables which allow OPES
  services to maintain state information, communicate with other
  services, and dynamically control the invocation of services (if
  service variables are referenced in IRML rules) (as suggested by Lee
  and others)
- new timestamp format in <system-date> variable (as suggested by Ian)
- removed DEFAULT keyword from IRML DTD (as suggested by Ting)

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