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Re: AW: Start on OPES protocol work

2003-02-15 22:47:58

On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 10:03, Martin Stecher wrote:

I like to minimize the message overhead (see my performance
considerations in point 5). Together with what I said above in the first
section, I think that a message header and footer (if a footer is
necessary at all) should be as short as possible. Usually, protocols
write a protocol version into each request and response - but why? 

IMO, because it reduces the state to be held by the endpoints of the

it enough to do this once when a callout connection is established.? All
the messages within a persistent connection will be of the same version.
When we try to keep this in mind, every message could be designed to be
a minimum around the payload.

Messages should also follow a same general syntax to make parsing as
simple and fast as possible and to allow to skip easily message types
that are optional.

Agreed. IMO this has a greater impact on performance than a few bytes
for version identification.

The thing to remember is that any general purpose protocol will be
slower than a specially tuned protocol. We're building a general purpose
tool here - so reliability, ease of implementation and interoperability
are (IMO) greater priorities.


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