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question about an OPES example and implication

2003-05-23 07:47:18

I come across the following customer request. I think it may help checking OCP can be used and can support this.

There are four systems involved.
1. A: an automated system (oil station pump)
2. B; a remote management station
3. C: a considered ticketing service
4. D: a possible OPES

B polls A once a day
When A has an incident it calls B.
But B is management not support

So the idea is D as an OPES between A and B branching into C via OCP.

1. when A has a problem, the call is blocked by D and C is told.
2. C manages the incident (may take hours)
3. when the incident has been repaired, C can authorize D to forward the call as "treated".

I would like to understand if all this is orthodox as far as OCP which will be used between D and C.

1. is there a problem about qualifying this as an OPES?

2. A only knows to say "I have a problem" and to report its status upon request from B (IP address) and respond.

D's IP would replace B's IP in A table. So the dialog would actually be A-D.
    So, if B and C call, D should make the calls coming from D.

    there are three reasons to call A:

    - normal administrative calls by B
- calls by D when receiving the alarm: to check the reason of the call (D may decide to discard if it is a repetitive call) - calls be C: as part of the ticketing status control and reporting to technicians

Calls by D and C are part of the OPES service. Is that dialog with the caller permitted?

3. there would be a need for a multiple "continuations" of A calls to be received by B.

- A calls to say I have a problem : this is the data transmitted that is going to be modified. - B should receive that data as a continuity of different blocks, may be over hours
      - 1st block: there is an alarm info to follow
      - 2. this alarms has been taken over by the ticketing service
      - 3. the ticketing service may pass different reports
      - 4. report "the problem has been addressed as follows: ...."

4. what is also interesting is that A, B, D are in the same domain of security While C is an externalized service. So OCP relations would have to be secure. Also, C may change into C1, C2, etc as the complexity/type of incident management is handled.

Thank you.