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Re: The power of OCP

2003-06-30 13:32:26

On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Martin Stecher wrote:

In OCP the callout server does not need to return any data, if the
processor preservers all data and sends "Kept" parameters with its
DUM messages. During the data trickling phase, the callout server
returns DUY messages with small sizes and after scanning is complete
it sends one final DUY message that allows the complete rest to be
sent to the client. The 5MB is only transferred one way, and only a
few bytes for the DUY messages is sent back.

This works in theory. The hard part is to convince the processor to
preserve/keep 5MB of data. It is a lot of overhead for the processor
to keep all the data, and I am sure that a general-purpose
implementation may not be able to keep the whole thing by default.

OCP does not (yet?) have any mechanisms to (a) encourage preservation
or to (b) notify the server that the preservation buffer is limited to
X bytes and any spills will not be preserved. Do you think it should
be left to external negotiation channels (configuration files, etc.)?
Or should we try to support this directly? Which mechanism?



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