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Re: [Fwd: interest in the rules language]

2005-03-22 22:37:13

OK, so we had several folks indicating interest in contributing to the rules work - let's get staretd, we're still behind.

We need to get closure on the Sieve issue, i.e. might sieve with possible extensions provide a solution? If not, why not? If not, we need to get back to defining an own language - starting with what we had on "P".

So, where are the interested folks willing to get rolling?


Markus Hofmann wrote:

Alex Rousskov wrote:

I did not see anybody digging in. At this point, I have to wonder if I am the only person left interested in the "common rules language" problem. Did we lose the momentum and interest on this topic? Does it make sense to continue working on rules (regardless of Seive versus P question)?

There were a few folks interested in the topic when the charter was discussed and before various (mostly IETF-imposed) delays put the topic on the backburner. Should we assume that those folks lost interest (due to delays or any other reason)?

Folks - we need to know if anyone is still interested in this work. Doesn't make sense to drag this along without anyone working on it and without making real progress.

Could anyone interested in the rules language work please speak up, in particular the ones who expressed interest in contributing to the work when we re-charted (don't make me go back into the email archives to dig out the names... :). If we don't hear back, I recommend we fold this activity.


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