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RE: Object Identifiers: Confusion now hath made his masterpiece

1997-10-31 22:31:56
On Thursday, October 30, 1997 11:18 AM, 
[SMTP:pgut001(_at_)cs(_dot_)auckland(_dot_)ac(_dot_)nz] wrote:
3. PKCS #9 OID (1 2 840 113549 1 9) is assigned to both

   and SMIMECapabilities.

Two things.  symmetricCapabilities was the "old" name, and
"SMIMECapabilities" is the new name.  There is no symmetricCapabilities
any more, and it was used in an old S/MIME draft.

Second thing -- you said "PKCS #9 OID (1 2 840 113549 1 9) is assigned
to both...".  You gave the actual PKCS #9 OID, but did you mean 1 2 840
113549 1 9 *15* which is SMIMECapabilities (which happens to live under
PKCS #9)?

As an aside -- I believe I have seen two sha-1WithRSAEncryption OIDs --
one under the oiw arc, and one under the PKCS #1 arc.  Anyone know about
the oiw one?  The PKCS #1 version is the one listed in the S/MIME spec.

Blake C. Ramsdell
Worldtalk Corporation
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