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Tag type for rfc822name

1998-02-03 03:44:15
I am editing the revision a certificate specification for the national
Swedish Electronic Identity Card (see, to harmonize it with
the certificate specifications of PKIX-1 and S/MIME. I am also going to
include examples of DER-coded certificates. In that context I have come
across different ways of encoding the subjectAltName rfc822Name
extension. The question is: Should it use IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT tags?
Below are two extracts from PKIX-1, which uses IMLICIT in one example
and EXPLICIT in another. 

Which way has it been implemented in existing S/MIME products? Can they
handle both IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT coding of rfc822Name?

Here are the examples from PKIX-1:
------------------------ IMPLICIT TAG:
0606 a3 1d         29: . . [3]
0608 30 1b         27: . . . SEQUENCE
0610 30 19         25: . . . . SEQUENCE
0612 06 03          3: . . . . . OID subjectAltName
0617 04 12         18: . . . . . OCTET STRING
                     : 30 10 81 0e 77 70 6f 6c 6b 40 6e 69 73 74 2e 67
                     : 6f 76

0000 30 10         16: SEQUENCE
0002 81 0e         14: . [1]
                     : 77 70 6f 6c 6b 40 6e 69 73 74 2e 67 6f 76
Note: This subjectAltName data is IMPLICIT TAGS - is that correct? (this
note is taken from PKIX-1!)
-----------------------EXPLICIT TAG:
               30 3d
                  id-ce-subjectAltName = { 2 5 29 17 }
                  06 03 55 1d 11
                  by default, critical = FALSE
                  octet string
                  04 36
                     30 34
                        a1 1a
                           IA5String "escert-upc(_at_)escert(_dot_)upc(_dot_)es"
                           16 18 65 73 63 65 72 74 2d 75 70 63 40 65 73
                           65 72 74 2e 75 70 63 2e 65 73
I have consulted different experts and of course received different

Response A:
The Certificate Extensions module uses specifies IMPLICIT tags
be used for selecting the 'rfc822Name' (e-mail) choice in the
'subjectAltName' extension.

Response B:

That is an example of where the "gotcha" rule on IMPLICIT tagging
applies :-)

X.680 section 28.6:

  The tagging construction specifies explict tagging if any of the
  following holds:
    a) ..
    b) ..
    c) the "Tag Type" alternative is used an the value of TagDefault for
       the module is "IMPLICIT TAGS" or "AUTOMATIC TAGS", but the type
       defined by "Type" is a choice type, open type, or a
so even in an IMPLICIT TAGS module, GeneralName (a CHOICE) is encoded
using explicit tagging, as shown in the PKIX-1 example.

Response C:
In the definition of GeneralName we have
rfc822Name              [1]     IA5String,
directoryName           [4]     Name,

And from X.680:
    c) the "Tag Type" alternative is used an the value of TagDefault
       the module is "IMPLICIT TAGS" or "AUTOMATIC TAGS", but the type
       defined by "Type" is a choice type, open type, or a
With rfc822name, the Type is IAString, which means that IMPLICIT should
be used
BUT for directoryName the Type is Name, which is a CHOICE, which means
that EXPLICIT should be used.
Looking forward to your help!

Hans Nilsson
Stockholm, Sweden

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