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Re: ESS EncapsulatedContentType

1998-02-26 06:49:27

I agree with Dave Kemp that contentType should be removed from the ESS
receiptRequest attribute because it is redundant to the signedData
encapContentInfo eContentType OID.  This results in:

   ReceiptRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
      signedContentIdentifier ContentIdentifier,
      receiptsFrom ReceiptsFrom,
      receiptsTo SEQUENCE SIZE (1..ub-receiptsTo) OF GeneralNames }

I respectfully disagree with Dave that contentType should be removed from
the Receipt content syntax.  It is included in the signed receipt to assist
the application that must validate the signed receipt with the process of
identifying the original message (or hash of the message) that requested the
signed receipt.  The original message (or hash of the message) is required
to validate the signed receipt.  The Receipt contentType will especially be
valuable to apps that must manage contents of multiple types.  Therefore, I
believe that contentType should be retained and that it should be changed to
a mandatory field which will always contain the value copied from the
signedData encapContentInfo eContentType field of the message requesting the
signed receipt. This results in:

Receipt ::= SEQUENCE {
  version                   Version,  
  contentType               ContentType,
  signedContentIdentifier   ContentIdentifier,
  originatorSignatureValue  OCTET STRING }

If nobody objects to the deletion of contentType from receiptRequest and the
retention of contentType in the Receipt content, then the following changes
need to be made to ESS:

1) Sec 2.2: Please delete bullet 2 stating: "2. The encapsulated content
type is optionally noted in the
encapsulatedContentType field."

2) Sec 2.4, bullet 2.2:  Please make the following change:
OLD: 2.2. The encapsulatedContentType and signedContentIdentifier
     values are copied from the original signedData signerInfo 
     receiptRequest attribute into the corresponding fields in the 
     Receipt structure.

NEW: 2.2. The original signedData encapContentInfo eContentType object 
     identifier is copied into the Receipt contentType.

     2.3. The original signedData signerInfo receiptRequest 
     signedContentIdentifier is copied into the Receipt  

3) Sec 2.8, last para:  Please change as follows:

OLD: "The encapsulatedContentType and signedContentIdentifier fields are
copied from the receiptRequest attribute of the SignerInfo contained within
the message being receipted, and are used to link the receipt to the
original signed message. The originatorSignatureValue field contains the
signatureValue copied from the SignerInfo requesting the signed receipt."

NEW: "The contentType, signedContentIdentifier and originatorSignatureValue
fields are copied from the original signedData object that requested the
signed receipt (see Sec 2.4), and are used to link the signed receipt to the
original signed message." 

John Pawling   
J.G. Van Dyke & Associates, Inc.           

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