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Re: Comments to MSG-02

1998-03-16 20:07:51
At 06:26 PM 3/12/98 -0500, John Pawling wrote:

5) Sec 2.5.2: Jim Schaad commented (There was debate regarding this comment,
but I don't remember the answer.  Russ, I believe that you had the answer.
Can you please provide it.) 
"Section 2.5.2  This is a politics question and one I am not capable of
deciding.  Do we need to change from using the IMC as the registration agent
for the OIDs of SMIMECapabilites?  I don't see any techincal reasons to
change this at this point in time.  I don't see IMC as disappearing any time
soon and from what I hear it would be much faster to get updates than using
IANA.  But I don't know if the IESG will be willing to leave this as it is."

IMC is not the registration authority.  IMC is providing a location on
their Web site for distribution of the assigned OIDs.  I am assigning OIDs
from the arc provided to the IETF S/MIME WG by RSA Labs.


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