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Re: Comment on Message spec.

1998-06-11 08:47:11
OK here is a suggested alternative wording which I think makes things a
little more explicit. I think the remaining cases (i.e. if all is valid
it SHOULD be accepted) are sufficiently obvious that no clarification is

- If the signature of the signed attributes is invalid or the value of
  the signing time lies far in the future (that is, a
greater             discrepancy than any reasonable clock skew) then the
list of            capabilities MUST NOT be accepted.
- If the timestamp and the signature of the signed attributes is
valid    but the messageDigest value is not valid then the receiving
agent       SHOULD accept the list of capabilities.
- If the receiving agent has not yet created a list of capabilities
  for the sender's public key, then, the receiving agent SHOULD 
  create a new list containing at least the signing time and the      
symmetric capabilities.
- If such a list already exists, the receiving agent SHOULD verify
  that the signing time in the incoming message is greater than
  the signing time stored in the list. If so, the receiving agent
  SHOULD update both the signing time and capabilities in the list. 

Dr Stephen N. Henson.
UK based freelance Cryptographic Consultant. For info see homepage.
Email: shenson(_at_)bigfoot(_dot_)com
PGP key: via homepage.