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Re: More Comments on smime-cms-07

1998-11-11 18:39:22

These identifiers will be replaced with a id-alg-ESDH that has a parameter
that names wrap algorithm.  If the wrap algorithm needs parameters, those
will be carried in wrap algorithm parameters.


At 05:50 PM 11/2/98 -0800, Jim Schaad (Exchange) wrote:
It has been pointed out to me that the parameter encoding for
id-alg-ESDHwith3DES and id-alg-ESDHwithRC2 is not consistant with the
consensus that I remember from the August IETF meeting.  At that point the
preference I remember was for encoding parameters as NULL rather than as
absent.  Since I don't see any place where these items are used with
parameters I think this change to encoding as NULL should be done.

That being said, I think that given the previous message that I sent out
id-alg-ESDHwithRC2 needs to have a parameter, the same one as
RC2wrapParameter (i.e. the actual RC2 key size).  This is needed so that the
correct decryption can be done on the key encryption key immeadiately
without having to wait for the MEK parameters to show up.

jim schaad

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