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More X942-03 Comments

1998-11-20 17:27:19
1.  Section 2.1.2 in the paragraph on pubInfo:  There is a description that
appears to say CMS defined UserKeyingMaterial as a 512-bit value.  There are
two problems with this: a) CMS does not say anything about the length of ukm
and b) no justification is shown here for a length of 512-bits.  Is this a
magic length?

2.  Section 2.1.4:  Please append the following or something similar. "Note:
RC2 is restricted to effective key lengths of 128-bits or fewer.  Expansion
of 128-bits of input key to a 256-bit effective key length does not add any
additional security."

3.  Section 2.1.6:  I don't recognize the 3DES oid that you have here.  I
was expecting to see "06 09 1a 86 48 86 f7 0d 03 07" with a comment of

4.  Section 2.1.7:  The counter is incorrect.

5.  Section 2.2:  I think we need to change the value of m.  If we are
suggesting a value of m for DES and CMS is saying that 3DES is the manditory
algorithm, then we are not making any sense.  I think that we need to have a
value of m which is appropriate for 3DES, and potentially a rule of thumb
for shorter key lengths.

6.  Section 2.1.5:  This section ends with the phrase "may not be
necessary".  This gives no information to make an intellegient guess if this
is required or not.  Can we add some text about why it would or would not be
a good idea to do this?


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