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Additional smime-type definition

1998-12-03 10:17:26
I would like the working group to consider the addition of the following
paragraph(s) to the MSG draft.

(new section) 3.2.2  The smime-type parameter

The application/pkcs7-mime content type defines the optional "smime-type"
parameter.  The intent of this parameter is to convey details about the
security applied (signed or enveloped) along with infomation about the
contained content.  This draft defines the following smime-types.

Name                            Security                Inner Content
enveloped-data          EnvelopedData    id-data
signed-data                     SignedData               id-data
certs-only                      SignedData               none

In order that consistancy can be obtained with future, the following
guidelines should be followed when assigning a new smime-type parameter.

1.  If both signing and encryption can be applied to the content, then two
values for smime-type should be assigned "signed-*" and "encrypted-*".  If
one one operation can be assigned then this may be omitted.  Thus since
"certs-only" can only be signed, "signed-" is omitted.

2.  A common string for a content oid should be assigned.   We use "data"
for the id-data content OID when mime is the inner content.

3.  If no common string is assigned.  Then the common string of "OID.<oid>"
is recommended.

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