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RE: Comments on CMC-09, Section

1998-12-06 03:33:14
Russ Housley <housley(_at_)spyrus(_dot_)com> writes:
People who want to use E-S D-H with other algorithms are free to assign 
additional algorithm identifiers for use in the KeyWrapAlgorithm.  In fact, 
these additional algorithms need not follow the technque specified in CMS 
Secion 12.6.  These additional assignments will not represent "must" 
implement or "should" implement algorithms.
Would it be possible to insert text to this effect either in section 6.2.3 or 
12.6?  At the moment 12.6 seems to imply that you can only use the given wrap 
algorithm, however in some cases it's useful to be able to support other key 
wrap techniques, especially when implemented via crypto hardware over which 
you have no control.

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