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Re: Comments on x942-05 draft

1999-02-17 15:13:49
Russ Housley <housley(_at_)spyrus(_dot_)com> writes:

John said:
In 2.2, 2nd paragraph, suggest changing "...m MUST be >=160" -> "...m MUST
be >= 160 bits in length". Later in the paragraph, is 160 bits intended as
the appropriate minimum length for p?  (Note, by comparison, that X9.42
requires a multiple of 256 bits with a minimum of 512.)

Then Eric replied:
I'd prefer 160. 512 seems like overkill, and has unpleasant performance

I do not have a problem allowing people to have 512-bit private keys.  The
performance impact is imposed on themselves.  I also think that we should
permit 160-bit private keys for those people that belive 80-bit security is

In summary, I think that we should allow private keys to be between 160 and
512 bits.
That's no problem, but John indicates that X9.42 has a MINIMUM of 512,
which I consider unacceptable.

As far as I'm concerned people should be allowed to go up to |p|


[Eric Rescorla                                   ekr(_at_)rtfm(_dot_)com]