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multipart/signed interoperability

2001-04-09 01:16:55

I'm new to this list so bear with me if these questions have already been asked (and answered).

I'm looking to implement a semi-capable S/MIME client that only takes care of signing and not encrypting.

My questions are regarding multipart/signed. I have bumped into a problem interpreting what the content to be signed is. In the RFC's it states how to canonicalize, but I can't seem to find any information on what data to sign (both signing a simple MIME entity, and signing a multipart MIME entity).

Signing a simple MIME entity:
Is all data including the last CRLF signed until reaching the boundary?
Or is the "middle" boundary included?

Signing s MIME multipart/* entity:
Is all data including the last CRLF signed until reaching the "middle" boundary of the multipart signed message?
Or is the "middle" boundary included?
Or do we only sign data including the "end" boundary for the multipart being signed?

Is there anywhere where the rules for what data to sign is stated clearly?

Still I don't seem to be the only one with this problem. I've run three different clients; Outlook Express 5.0, Netscape Messanger 4.72 and Openssl 0.9.5a. Even these clients seem to have problems interpreting what data should be signed. OE and NM seem to agree on how to do things. Openssl can verify almost all messages from OE and NM but not all. OE has problems verifying messages from openssl.

I find openssl 0.9.5 on the RSA's list of interoperable S/MIME implementations??? I don't find any recent Microsoft or Netscape products on this list.

On the RSA site it points to the Entrust autoresponder for testing. This site does not seem to be up and running. Is there any other way to test that one follows the specification(s)?



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