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RE: rfc2630bis-03 Comment

2001-09-06 10:36:52


Thank you for agreeing to incorporate my comments.  I concur with your
editorial changes with the following minor comments:

1) 1rst paragraph, second sentence: Please replace:

OLD: "but the ASN.1 type of the content itself was variable in PKCS #7
SignedData content type."

NEW: "but the ASN.1 type of the content itself is variable in the PKCS #7
SignedData content type."

2) last paragraph, last sentence: Please replace:

OLD: "eContent contains AuthetiCode signing information"

NEW: "eContent contains AuthentiCode signing information"

John Pawling, John(_dot_)Pawling(_at_)GetronicsGov(_dot_)com
Getronics Government Solutions, LLC

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