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EmailAddress history question

2001-11-02 09:11:28

Once upon a time , email addresses, especially "internet" or 
rfc822 addresses, were a common component in X.509 subject names.
But a few years ago they became a deprecated component in PKIX
(RFC 2459 sec and S/MIME v3.  Both of these have
language like this in their respective RFC's:

   The email address SHOULD be in
   the subjectAltName [X.509v3] extension, and SHOULD NOT be in the subject
   distinguished name.
   [RFC 2632 sec 3]

Could someone explain why this happened?  I remember the process
at the time... but vaguely.  Looking thru old notes & the mail
archives &c led me to a couple of possible explanations:

attribute EmailAddress added another string type, complicating parsing
   [but what about other allowed attributes]
email addresses in general usually bring in their own hierarchy,
  which may be askew from the directory [so?]
the email address + common name implies a path thru the directory,
  which doesn't really exist ; eg cn=mike,e=mike(_at_)foo implies
  there is a node e=mike(_at_)foo containing a leaf node cn=mike
  [As a directory person, _I_ wouldn't think that way:^)]

None of these seem terribly convincing, except perhaps the middle one.
Are there better arguments?

I need to explain this to folks who know this capability exists
in CA's and / or remember using or seeing cert subjects with
email attributes in them.  During the period when this was being
debated I really wasn't much concerned with it & don't remember
the issues very well.   For that matter I personally don't care
one way or the other but don't want to issue certs with deprecated
contents any longer than necessary.

Thanks, ==mwh
Michael Helm

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