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Re: authenticated encryption

2003-05-06 11:32:59

At 05:01 PM 5/5/2003 -0700, Trevor Perrin wrote:

Hello S/MIME,

I'm curious what this group thinks about adopting an authenticated-encryption cipher mode, such as:


Such a mode could integrity-protect S/MIME encrypted-only messages. It could also defend against an oracle attack on signed-then-CBC-encrypted messages. I'm not sure this attack is well known, so I'll describe it:

If the plaintext is a sequence of blocks P[1],P[2],.., and the ciphertext is a sequence of blocks where C[0] is the IV, followed by C[1],C[2],.., then we assume the attacker wants to verify a guess G for P[X], and knows the value of P[1] (the first blocksize bytes of the ContentInfo containing SignedData, which is just well-known ASN.1 header).

The attacker copies C[X] over C[1], and sets C[0] = G xor C[X-1] xor P[1]. If his guess is correct, then the new ciphertext C[1] will decrypt to the same plaintext P[1] it would have without his modifications - if his guess if wrong, the decrypted P[1] will have bit errors, which will probably cause an error in the recipient's software.

well, I got this wrong - whether the attacker's guess is right or wrong, P[2] will also be damaged. Whether the attacker can differentiate these failures, or other similar parsing failures he can induce by rearranging blocks (i.e. by copying C[X] over some other block besides C[1]), I suppose is implementation-dependent, or at least difficult to work out..

authenticated-encryption would at least remove any concerns on these lines.


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