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Re: Registering smime-types

2008-06-16 14:35:15
The MIME types used by S/MIME are defined.  Not every CMS content type has a MIME type.  They could be defined, but up to now, we have been waiting for the need to surface first.


At 03:47 PM 6/16/2008, Turner, Sean P. wrote:

Alfred's comment about updating the IANA registry for pkcs7-smime and pkcs7-signature got me to thinking about the smime-types that are currently used.  signed-data, enveloped-data, certs-only, and compressed-data are addressed in RFC 3851 but the other content types we've defined (authenticated-data, encrypted-data, and authEnveloped-data) and others (content-with-attributes, content-collection, and others) don't have smime-types defined.  Are these others used/defined someplace I don?t know about?

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