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would like some verification on 8BITMIME and RFC1652

1997-10-14 08:00:26
hey all.  was just trying to debug a problem with our site
connecting to MSN.COM.  Following RFC1652, the RFC on 8BITMIME
use in ESMTP, when we have a 7 bit message, we place
"BODY=7BIT" as the last parameter in the FROM LINE, such as:

MAIL FROM:<jack%wildbear(_dot_)on(_dot_)ca(_at_)msn(_dot_)com> SIZE=1169 

Now, whenever we send mail to MSN.COM in that manner, it is
refused as an illegal command, even though it says it supports
ESMTP's 8BITMIME.  Furthermore, if the lines:

MAIL FROM:<jack%wildbear(_dot_)on(_dot_)ca(_at_)msn(_dot_)com> SIZE=1169 


MAIL FROM:<jack%wildbear(_dot_)on(_dot_)ca(_at_)msn(_dot_)com> SIZE=1169

are used, the command is accepted with no problems.

Now, my understanding of RFC 1652 is that if you do support 8BITMIME,
you should be sending "BODY=7BIT".

Could people verify this and let me know if should be able
to accept the "BODY=7BIT" tag or if is okay that it does not?


Jack De Winter - Wildbear Consulting, Inc.
(519) 884-4498

Author of SLMail for 95 & NT (

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