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Re: Proposal: Using Conservative EHLO Response Parser Behaviour For Tarpitting

2007-06-18 11:51:34

On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, David F. Skoll wrote:

That's not my experience.  We use a greet_pause of only 5 seconds, and
we still get quite a few:

We get about 1000 a day, which is negligible compared to the rest of our
traffic and compared to the 100,000 per day we got two years ago.

Perhaps people are still pointing old bots at us or something. We use
the Sendmail greet_pause feature with a 5 second delay, and are still
averaging about 120K rejects per day based on that hurdle.

Chris Callahan - UCD Information Technology - crcallahan(_at_)ucdavis(_dot_)edu
"[T]he most important point being debated here today is whether
governments have the right to intrude on the privacy of their
citizens in such a way that citizens ultimately cannot have a
private conversation. I should be able to whisper in your ear,
even if your ear is a thousand kilometers away."  --Philip Zimmerman

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