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[ietf-smtp] Public Key Look Up

2021-05-08 09:05:57

This is my first email to this mailing list, so apologies in case it does not 
follow any specific standard procedure. It is however a genuine thought and 
hope it is relevant to the SMTP standard.

Some context -

With rising data privacy concerns, more and more users are starting to adopt 
end-to-end encrypted communication methods or zero-knowledge solutions. However 
the interoperability of related services remains very limited.

Specifically looking at end-to-end encrypted email providers, the general 
implementation approach follows the below high-level workflow -

- Consider that Bob would like to send an end-to-end encrypted email to Alice
- Bob creates a new draft email in the email interface of his preferred 
end-to-end encrypted email provider
- While Bob drafts his email to Alice, all draft versions are stored encrypted 
in Bob's server side draft email folder using his own public key
- Once Bob finishes his email to Alice and selects the send option, his email 
application retrieves the public key for Alice, encrypts the email with her 
public key and transmits the email using the standard email protocols available
- In parallel a copy of the sent email is stored in Bob's sent items, again 
encrypted with his own public key

Since the availability of the recipients public key is fundamental to such 
end-to-end encrypted email implementations, the interoperability between 
end-to-end email providers depends on standards for public key exchanges. It is 
hereby assumed that the actual used crypto-system for encrypting emails using 
the public keys, does not represent a challenge for email providers.

In order to address this interoperability issue in a standards centric 
approach, the proposal is the addition of a new SMTP command to allow the 
retrieval of a recipients public key prior to the transmission of a mail. This 
will enable the sender to encrypt the email content before the same is 
transmitted through the existing SMTP commands.

Such a Get Key (GETK) or Public Key (PKEY) command in the SMTP standard would 
take an email address as a parameter and if implemented return the public key 
the mailbox user.

As the SMTP standard is widely adopted, the introduction of such a command 
could exponentially increase the adoption of more secure email communication. 
Alternative options such as the use of separate and dedicated key stores to 
solve this issue have not only be unsuccessful to drive higher security for 
email communication, but they also operate outside of the established standards 
and infrastructure deployed by email providers across the globe.

Even for using utilizing encryption programs that operate outside of the email 
ecosystem, e.g. PGP, such an extension can provide more trusted option to 
retrieve the public key from the recipients email provider.

Many thanks for your consideration.


Patrick P
ietf-smtp mailing list
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