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Re: Update to Submit RFC

2003-08-19 12:47:29

begin  quotation by Dave Crocker on 2003/8/19 12:08 -0700:
However, what is missing is a clear statement of the problems that are
being solved.  We can debate the solution details after we are clear
about the goals.


The problems I want to solve with a revision of the submit RFC are:

1. making the timeouts rational.

2. correcting the authentication references in Submit now the relevant
   SMTP AUTH and STARTTLS RFCs are published and we have operational experience.

I was asking if other people had other problems they wanted to address in a
revision of the submit RFC.

Now you seem to have some questions about the need for a submit protocol.  That
question is answered in the already published submit RFC, and is a distraction
from the technical discussion I have started.  However, additions to the
justification section in the present submit RFC would be in order.

                - Chris

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