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Re: media types and ignorance

1999-05-10 09:06:11
On Mon, 10 May 1999, Tim Bray wrote:

Or maybe the whole notion that a rigid 2-level type hierarchy is a useful
vehicle for interoperability is becoming bogus.

I think Tim's ambivalence is just a sign that that all these are useful, 
and that we should provide enough richness to cover the major cases:

* generic XML using stylesheets and fallback (text/xml & application/xml);

* application-specific XML with no need for fallback (application/*, 
model/*, etc);

* application-specific XML but which allows some measure of fallback, 
even if just to allow browser users to figure out which is the best 
handler for it (the XML registration tree: application/xml.*): we can 
expect smarter broswers to check for <?xml when they do not have a MIME 
media type registered for a specific MIME type.

Simon asked why an XML registration tree would be better than just a new 
top-level MIME type: the reason is that to introduce any new types in the 
(default) IETF registration tree you need to make a full RFC providing 
certain information (see the RFCs on MIME types, referenced in previous 
postings). It is not simply a matter of whether the strings "xml/blah" 
has more information thatn "application/xml.blah" or "application/xml; 
schema=blah". It is more importantly the administrative requirements 
needed to maintain the integrity of MIME.

The essense of my call for an XML registration tree is that it could be 
automatically registered after a minimum of information is provided.  
Otherwise we will just get spurious unregistered MIME media types: 
text/rdf, application/vml, etc etc.  The reason we don't want the MIME 
media type registration to fall over is that WWW and email browsing 
relies on registered MIME media type being fixed to a particular type.

(It is bad enough that my browser has decided that all .gz files are VRML; 
I don't want to encourage media-type detection using file extensions. So 
I believe we need to make it easy to register new XML-based types.)

Rick Jelliffe

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