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Re: Finishing the XML-tagging discussion

2000-03-20 12:17:37
At 11:10 AM 3/20/00 -0800, Marshall Rose wrote:
hmmm.  my view of the example above is that XML is being used as the syntax
but the semantics of the blob being passed are still SVG semantics.

I think that's more or less everyone's view.  Hence the reason why a 
top-level xml/ type turns out to be a bad idea.

at the risk of seeming insensitive with the exception of "text/xml", i would
never expect to see a subtype of "xml" for any media type. of course, taking
that line, i suppose that the example above should simply be

Once again, no-one seems to disagree. The proposal is 


and I believe this is what SVG plans to file for.

and that the processing element for that application should already know the
possible syntaxes that it could encounter.

The idea is that it is in the general case useful to know whether something's
in XML syntax, regardless of the application & its semantic.  -Tim