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Re: Internet-Draft: Media Feature - xmlns

2002-01-23 23:37:44

My only suggestion, for what it's worth, would be to allow for the
declaration (and please don't overinterpret that word ;-) ) of the 'root'
namespace for a document.  That seems a reasonable distinction to make,

I am not convinced.  In the case of XSLT, the root of an XSLT
stylesheet do not always belong to the XSLT namespace.  Why is the
top-level namespace so important?  

although you'd then have to define how such a statement interacts with
content-type declarations such as application/xml+mathml (would that, in
some twisted way, imply a default 'root'-level namespace, and if so,

I think that this is a good reason NOT to introduce special 
handling of the top-level namespace.

