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Re: Internet draft for sbml+xml media type

2003-10-14 14:52:43

Off-list, Ben Morrow pointed out that I had misread RFC 3023: 
when I mentioned us-ascii as the default encoding, I was reading 
the section on text/xml, not application/xml. 
With application/xml, UTF-8 is already the default.  So, since 
SBML is defined to use UTF-8, everything fits together nicely if 
we just disallow the charset parameter. 
I will update the Internet-Draft so it refers to section 3.2 
(ahem, not 3.1) of RFC 3023 and uses the text that Chris Lilley 
suggested.  That will be draft-sbml-media-type-02.txt, hopefully 
on the IETF server tomorrow. 
Ben Kovitz  
bkovitz at