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Re: application/xml+rpc

2004-01-12 17:59:26

I agree with Martin entirely, but I would like to stress the 
importance of the "+xml" convention.

Reasons for the "/xml+rpc" subtype:
- despite [3023] paragraph 1 and section 7, I believe it was ok to not
  use the "+xml" postfix this time, because the term "XML-RPC" is the 
  protocol name and "/xml+rpc" would sound only little different
  (wouldn't this allow for an exception from the rule?)

The whole point of using the "+xml" convention is allow generic XML 
programs (e.g., parsers, browsers, etc.) to work properly.  I am sure 
that many programs work with XML-RPC messages.  For example, users  
might want to use browsers for debugging XML-RPC.  Unless there are 
good reasons to *forbid* generic XML programs, please follow the 
"+xml" convention.


MURATA Makoto <murata(_at_)hokkaido(_dot_)email(_dot_)ne(_dot_)jp>

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