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Re: Problems with networks

2000-03-12 22:50:03
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Julio César Serrano Ortuno wrote:

julk> I have errors randomly within two networks interconnected with
julk> fiber-optic.
julk> What procedure should I follow for detecting the problem?
julk> There's any RFC number that describes procedures for seek and solve
julk> network problems?

RFC 2321 perhaps ?

Possibly you would be better off by contacting the vendors of the
equipment to see if they have anything appropriate.  Common sense[1] is
also useful (identify common path, etc etc)


  Bruce Campbell <bruce(_dot_)campbell(_at_)apnic(_dot_)net>                
                      Systems Administrator     Regional Internet Registry
    Asia Pacific Network Information Centre    For the Asia Pacific Region

[1] Theres nothing 'common' about common sense IMHE.

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